Lilypie First Birthday tickers

February 28, 2009 - 24 Weeks

So here are some pictures of me at 24 weeks. I feel like I've grown a lot since we last took pictures. And I am sorry to those that have been waiting for more updates. I wanted to make sure I that spread them out a bit. I keep thinking that if I take too many and too close together that you won't be able to see a big difference in my progress. But I have a feeling that will change now that it seems like I'll be growing at a faster rate now. Its been an amazing journey so far. And its been exciting to hear friends, family and co-workers make comments that its like I grew a belly over night. I do feel like he's definitely had a growth spurt as I can definitely feel him kicking more and they are stronger kicks. This is one of Tony's favorite things right now too.
Some of the things that I've been keeping better track of these days is my water intake. Its been my goal to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day to keep both me and the baby hydrated. Plus, this is the best way to delivery all the nutriants to the baby. The only down fall to that is that I have to go to the bathroom about a gazillion times a day and the potiential for feet and ankle swelling are much higher. I've had a little bit of that but not too bad. When it does happen, Tony likes to point out that I've got swollen Platypus feet. Yeah, just what a pregnant wife wants to hear, right? I know he's joking, but unfortunately this is his pet name for my wide feet.

I am also trying to eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Tony thinks Mason is going to love apple juice, apples, oranges, bananas and pickles. Those tend to be my favorite right now.

Walking has been a big priority these days too. The more I keep active the easier delivery will be. Well, that's what I keep telling myself. The weather has been nice enough to walk around the neighborhood with my mom as well as Tony and the dogs. Macy and Molly are having a field day with our walks. My goal is to continue to walk after the baby is born too. This will be a great activity for us do while on maternity leave and to help shed those unwanted pounds before Eric and Jenn's wedding in September as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! I love the belly are adorable! I certainly understand when it comes to swollen feet and ankles. I was drinking 80-100 ounces of water a day. The nurses at the hospital told me that drinking more water prevented the swelling and helped to prevent early labor...tell that to my feet and legs! The will loose the water weight super fast after you have Baby Mason!
