Lilypie First Birthday tickers

New to the Blogging World!

Tony and I have finally decided to join the blogging world. We thought this would be a great way to share updates and photos with our friends and family that live far away from us.

The most excited news for us lately, is the upcoming birth of our first child. We found out on November 13, 2008 that we were pregnant and that our baby's due date is June 20, 2009. This was a huge blessing to Tony and me as we got pregnant within the first month of trying. We have always heard that for most "first timers" it could take anywhere up to a year or more to conceive. But according to God's plan, it happened right away. Of course we were a bit surprised and just truly thankful that God has allowed us to have this opportunity in life.

Tony and I can't wait to share the progress and our experiences of this wonder miracle that God has given us with everyone. We hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you guys joined the blog world. It will be so fun to follow your pregnancy progress online! - Jenny
